Технические характеристики
Диапазон определения числа падения - 60 - 900
Диапазон измерений интервалов времени, с - 0 - 900
Температура в водяной бане,°С - 100,0 ±1,0
Высота падения шток-мешалок, мм - 68 ±1
Частота колебаний шток-мешалок, Гц - 2,0±0,2
Объем дистиллированной воды, заливаемой в водяную баню, л - 3,5±0,5
Максимально потребляемая мощность, кВт - 2,2
Электропитание однофазная сеть, В, Гц - 220, 50
Габаритные размеры (длина x ширина x высота), мм - 550 x 170 x 600
Масса, кг - 30
The device is intended for control of one of the quality indicators of grain, flour and other starch-containing products by determining the activity of alpha-amylase. The device implements a method based on rapid claysterisation of aqueous suspension of flour in a boiling water bath and subsequent measurement of the degree of liquefaction of the cluster under the action of alpha-amylase contained in the sample, according to GOST 30498 and ISO 3093-82 standard.
The essential difference of the PCP-7 device from its analogues is a built-in cooling system that does not require connection to a water source and drain, which allows saving water up to 1000 litres per day and makes the device autonomous in agricultural and metrological laboratories.
In the device PCP-7 the control system with one button "START/STOP" is implemented, which saves the user from unnecessary operations during operation. Automation of all functions in this type of devices is applied for the first time and allows interrupting and resuming the device operation at any stage of measurements.
Technical specifications
Falling number measuring range - 60 - 900
Measuring range of time intervals, s - 0 - 900
Temperature in water bath,°С - 100,0 ±1,0
Height of falling of the rod-stirrers, mm - 68 ±1
Frequency of oscillations of rod-stirrers, Hz - 2,0±0,2
Volume of distilled water poured into the water bath, litres - 3,5±0,5
Maximum consumed power, kW - 2,2
Power supply single-phase network, V, Hz - 220, 50
Overall dimensions (length x width x height), mm - 550 x 170 x 600
Weight, kg - 30